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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Hey /biz/ check out my new tuxedo been rocking this shit ever since and got laid with this hot ass fucking milf. Wait a minute why does the board say /mlp/? My Little Pony? Wait isn't that a show for toddlers what the fuck
Welcome to the Aggie Thread! Come and draw! ALL SKILL LEVELS WELCOME NSFW AND SFW WELCOME The canvas is open so anyone can draw, no verification needed! Draw whatever you like, as long as you're mindful space-wise! Don't be rude, respect other drawfriends' drawings, regardless of your personal taste, and have fun!
Every time I had the inconvenience of discussing the morality of foalcon with a foalfag (referred to onwards as a "pedo"), they always tried to assume moral authority and accuse me of being: 1. A normal functioning person, then claim I was a puritan/anti; or 2. A projecting coping closeted pedo who masturbated to foalcon but didn't tell anybody about it.
I find it funny how they always try to pull some convoluted logic to reason that they're not actually pedos. All of it can be easily refuted of course. I'll list some of their talking points to show how ridiculous they actually are.
"Learn the difference between fiction and reality, retard." The most common talking point you'll hear from these degenerates is that "foalcon is just fiction, it can't hurt anybody!". The best way to immediately shut this down is to force them to play defense, and say that the argument isn't about whether or not it hurts real people, but the fact that by masturbating to it you are a pedo. While not directly tied to foalcon (but a bunch of pedos also dabble in it, though they vehemently deny it), in certain countries, lolicon is considered a lesser form of CP, and can get you put on the sex offender registry for possession of it.
"Foals are not human children, they are ponies." Does this magically make it not pedophilia? They are still underage characters without any mental maturity.
"It's just a drawing." A drawing of what?
"YOU'RE the pedo, akchuali" Like I said previously, when cornered or particularly triggered, foalcon pedos will post hastily made infographics or Imgur slideshows showing vocal advocates for the banning of lolicon turning out to be IRL predators themselves. This is especially funny when you consider in most circumstances foal pedos try to draw a hard line between them and lolicon or actual CP. While at first this may seem like an own to onlookers, in reality it's little more than a "no u" from the pedo. This tactic is spineless, weaselly deflection meant to put you on the defensive and uses known fallacies like Guilt by Association to claim that you are secretly a pedo with a guilty conscience who wants to fuck foals in secret and are projecting when you call them out on their pedophilia.
Even in this thread I bet a bunch of them will try to snip away at some small mistakes I made or call me a seething retard for writing several paragraphs on this serious topic. Or they will call foalcon board culture. We will see.