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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 7

Which Mane 6 Pony is most likely to be a trad wife, submit to her husband?

No.41804305 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Top 3 would porbably by Applejack (traditional, family focused), Rarity (likes chivalry & being a proper lady), and Fluttershy (already naturally submissive as well as nurturing and maternal). But the idea of Rainbow Dash submitting is admittely hot, so here's a green for that:
>Hi anon! It's been so long since we've talked!

>Yep, I'm married now! And yeah, I guess he is kind of a take-charge type. Heh, I'm attracted to a strong, dominant stallion, what can I say?

>Huh? Well duh, of course i'm a good leader myself! I'm still the same tough, independent tomcolt Dash! It's not that I can't take the lead, It's just...nice to not always HAVE to, y'know? And, I mean...I guess I kinda enjoy backing him up and letting him take the spotlight sometimes...

>Y-yeah, I guess I can be a little more...ugh, "submissive" around him than I usually am. But so what, huh?! It's cause I'm CHOOSING to be, not cause I'm weak all of a sudden or anything! It's a choice I get to make with him, cause he's dependable.

>Well of COURSE mares are awesome! You're looking at the most awesome-ist mare of all, y'know! And yeah, we make great leaders, just look at Celestia! Anon, I promise I'm not doubting my ability to lead or be independent, or anything. I just...ugh, look, I'll kick your flank if you tell anyone this, but I maybe kinda LIKE being a little more...s-submissive, with him. I mean, I spend so much time being my headstrong, badass self that sometimes it's nice to be able to step back, relax, and kinda take on the opposite role with someone I trust. It helps me feel safe letting my guard down, knowing that I can trust him to have my back and watch out for me. A-and I guess it's, uh, k-kinda nice...feeling a little, y'know...small and submissive, sometimes...
>...Eugh, I swear anon, if you tell anyone I said that...!

>How am I submissive with him? Oh, gosh Anon...w-well, I just put a lot of trust in his opinions and decisions, I guess. Dude has a good head on his shoulders– s'why I married him, right? And I guess I let myself be a little more mare-ish and traditional with him, 'cause I feel comfortable enough with him to be. I AM still a mare, you know!

>...You heard me call him sir?
>...Ok, um, this is really embarrassing, b-but that's....kindasortamaybeakinkthing, s-so pleasepleaseplease for the love of Celestia let's not get into that–

> S-SEX?! *blushes and begins furiously swatting at you* ANON THAT IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF NOT GETTING INTO IT! I can barely talk about being submissive in my relationship, you think I want to talk about how I'm submissive in the bedroom?!
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No.41802555 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>"Anon, I'm a human just like you now!"
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Reviewing Tamers12345 by YouKnowWho

No.41566223 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Review "Twilight Sparkle Shows Trixie The True Meaning Of Friendship Whether She Likes It Or Not" Hey not bad, it's only 3x times as long as Mysterious Mare Do Well, fuck S2's titles, seriously fuck em/them.

I was in town on a free day and decided to use it to review some things. Preliminary before my real thread about how to fix each of G4's S2-S4+ episodes' premise.
Impresisve amount of output for Tamers, it reminds me of South Park, except Trey Parker is at least an objective 6/10 writer, a 7/10 voice actor and knows how to pace his jokes better and make everything light hearted unlike the Pokemonfag one/Dane Powroznik that turns everything into a horror and unironic soap opera just like Tamers. I'd h ire Tamers not as a drawfag neither a writefag, but as a coordinator and video editor who connects everything together.

I promise to myself to keep this review actually short.

LOOK AT THAT FUCKING FACE, LMAO. I am using that as a reaction image. Tamers12345 drives me to shitpost.
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No.41797385 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fluttershy smells like lemons. It is the natural scent of her skin and hair.
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NHNB is Back!

!!PVj6s2kVWCp No.41214121 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
After nearly month of downtime NHNB has finally returned! Making a thread as most posters there crossposted between here and there. Figured this would be the best way to let people know.
Hopefully this thread is acceptable.
235 posts and 65 images omitted

No.41761467 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>popular artist gets universally shat on by /mlp/
>metacontrarians argue he's not THAT bad
>artist deteriorates even further
>his defenders mysteriously disappear
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Mare Fair 2025 Thread #1: Save The Date Edition

!!eSW1dXRikgk No.41731195 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
With Mare Fair 2025’s announcement in the wrap up thread for 2024, it’s time we share a few more details about the event.

Such as the dates!

We’re happy to announce that Mare Fair 2025 will be happening on September 5-7th, 2025. The venue will be announced in due time, so keep an eye out for future threads and updates!

Mare Fair 2024 was an amazing time, and we hope 2025 will bring the magic of mares to you all again next year!
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No.41774992 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Just got dignoised with autism at 26. Kind of felt for the longest time there was something wrong with me. So I got diagnosed by my doctor... Now what?
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No.40191218 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Of course I’ll use my expertise in love to help you find a special somepony. You came to the right place. Of course we will need to set up ground rules on your road to true love and self-improvement. First, you will get up every morning when my aunt raises the sun and run around the entire Crystal Empire, then you will do 200 pushups. Mares love a hunk whos in-shape. Secondly, no lecherous behavior. If you make a pass at me or other mares without their permission I’ll zap you. And finally you need to fix your whole outlook on life because mares love positivity. So after your exercise routine, you’ll do charity work for ponies until the sun goes down. You can back out at any point in your training, but that would make you a coward and mares hate cowards.
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No.41354251 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
AI Art Thread #40.5: 4chan shat itself edition


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods / papers implemented first.

>"But I don't have a decent GPU"
NovelAI also does great pony:
You could also use a service like civitai.


>Pony Diffusion V6 XL

>Autism Mix (Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it. Better anatomy / more coherent.)

>Seaart (Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.)

>Useful artist style LoRA:

>LoRAs by /mlp/:

>LoRAs by /h and other useful info:

>How to make your own LoRA:

>Prompt tips for new users:
Grab a image you like the style of from the desired model's citvia's site and drop it onto the PNG info tab in SD, you can then click send to text to image to reuse its generation info for your own images. Change the seed so you do not get just the same image. Use tags from e621 and natural language.

>No, AI art is NOT stealing.
Here, all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure:

>Previous Thread

>Past Threads
466 posts and 220 images omitted