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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 14

Voice acting for non-dubbed retro games

No.10321292 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, I did an experiment with an AI Voice Swapper to dub the FF8 Possessed Edea speech, using FFXIII Lighting voice for her (Hank Hill stars for a cameo as Deling).

Would you like to actually see (mostly retro) games being re-released with the added option to switch voice acting on\off?

You think companies, with all the budget have, cop you out by not adding it to these games that could benefit from it or, at least, at a further motivation to try them again?
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What were they thinking WHAT WERE WE THINKING!?!

No.10307951 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is fucking rough to watch now that the veil is broken. I used to let these people influence my young minds opinion about things. Have you guys ever gone back to see how horrible some of these "game journalists" are. Not just g4, but it seems like all the old magazines were just full of shit. Even Nintendo power was guilty of being shit on a few occasions. Was this really better than us(actual gamers) arguing about what's good amongst ourselves?
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No.10299901 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What did they mean by this? Was this in the original game?
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No.10274916 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Should I take the savestate blue pill? It helps you save time and experience more games but it's literally a cheat, an external modification that the developers never intended to be part of the game
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Faux Open World

No.10278552 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What are some games with faux open world/ fake open world?
Basically, a large hub with limited exploration to hide the feeling of linear progression.

OOT is the first game that comes to mind.
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No.10275748 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>December 19, 2003: Last game in the series, V.G. Neo, released (with tie-in OVA releasing the next year)
>nine to ten years pass, with nothing but Advanced Variable Geo 1 and 2 on PSN as PS1 Classics in Japan in the meantime
>August 31, 2022: Last Anna Miller's branch (whose restaurant inspired Yuka's outfit and restaurant) in Japan closed
>March 5, 2023: Takahiro Kimura, character designer, passes away
>March 31, 2023: Giga, TGL's eroge division that birthed Variable Geo on PC-98, closes up shop (TGL is still otherwise around)
How does it feel to be a Variable Geo fan?

No.10094567 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What games for consoles up to the 4th gen have gameplay similar to Smash Bros?
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No.5332203 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Genuine vidya history question.

Is Ninja Gaiden the last major 3rd Party franchise from the NES to not be in Smash?

"Major" in the same sense as Castlevania, Megaman & Metal Gear, at least. Iconic NES games that became long-running series. Am I forgetting some others in that ballpark, or after Ryu is it just fossils like Battletoads?

What about on Super NES?
1 post omitted

No.10269070 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How did the "T-the ps2 was only successful because it was a cheap dvd player!!!" meme start? Was it angry cubies trying to downplay the PS2's success?
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No.10239341 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Alright I see /vr/os making lots of threads whining about how bad emulation for this or that console is, but seems like they usually have no idea what they're talking about. What is considered "bad" here? Is this just turbo autists raging over shitty idiosyncrasies of the limited console hardware carrying over? Or are there serious glitches, missing features, etc.? How well can I emulate games for the following systems on a really good PC?
>PS1, 2, 3
>Xbox and 360
>N64 and Gamecube
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