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Swedish rapper assassinated

No.63059386 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

I'm no expert on guns, but isn't the shot at 0:05 kind of difficult to hit, especially when you're holding a phone in your one hand?
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russian weapons with big suppressor

No.63063407 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
so can somebody tell me why they are so obsessed with integrally suppressed weapons or such a long suppressor?

Future rifle technology?

No.63062070 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Old thread reached maximum size. Link: >>62981340

First of all, enjoy this Elysium Chemrail /k/ino absolutely mulching that dude.

What's the tech that we're gonna see in the future? Is it gonna be stuff like Elysium or URM (Battle Angel Alita's Unified Republics of Mars)-tier tech?

IMHO the cool stuff could be (or at least I wish it was some of this stuff):

-HMX/CL-20 based propellants (PBX being 95-96% CL-20/HMX). CL-20 is currently being tested as rocket and arty propellant. It's great. Non-polluting, acid free (rifle's gonna love it), solid particulates-free (easy cleaning), and lead-free (which is great). It's also smokeless and has only a faint shock diamond pattern that is visible in the otherwise transparent exhaust (when used in rockets, while in guns is basically invisible). This means that if the rifle has a fairly long flash hider (ex. JP Enterprises JPFH-762L), a soldier may be effectively invisible. The muzzle velocities may be 7,000 to 10,000 ft/s (stuff like 200ksi ammo).

-Additive manufacturing. With the exception of the BCG and barrel (which must resist pressure/force), the rest can be additive manufactured. Potentially, we could make honeycomb structures that weight 1/4th of the original part (and out of steel too).

Another big part may be casings. The same principle of honeycombs (if properly designed) can be applied to casings, allowing troops to carry more ammo.

-Advanced optics with integrated hyperspectral/IR+NVG vision and laser rangefinders.

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Why did Delta not do any camouflage?

No.63052858 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
No one spray painted their black gear?
No face paint?
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XM25 sucks so much

No.63062610 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Oh my God, I can't believe I used to think this lemon was cool. It actually sucks baboon balls in practice.

25mm airburst can't kill for peanuts unless you can get the round to pop within a meter of someone. You're shooting firecrackers. At that point, you're better off just shooting bullets and not having to deal with the ranging system + waiting a second for the round to reach the target. The ranging system gets thrown off by shrubs, trees, powerlines and chain-link fences. Fences will also catch the 25mm regardless half the time. Don't even get me started on the 5 round magazines.

The only time an XM25 is decent is ironically at close range, in urban environments. You can just free aim the thing at a wall next to your target, or at the foot of a corner they're taking cover from. Shooting it though open windows is viable. But the thing is, you can already do this with 40mm launchers and enjoy a greater kill radius (6m) to boot. The XM25 still gets outclassed when you give it the home field advantage. You'd get the same utility it offers from underbarrel shotguns loaded with frag-12 rounds.

Don't believe anyone who laments the XM25 being cancelled. It really was a bad idea.
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Finland to open 300 new shooting ranges

No.63059690 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.63060331 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.63063409 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In the navy officers get their own sleeping quarters and chief made meals. They have their own recreation room and mess hall. On the other hand the enlisted all sleep in the same room and are forced to eat low quality slop crammed together. An officers pay is 2 times or more than that of an enlisteds.
Are officers really that much more important than an enlisted? ammo can

No.63063255 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay, let's get the insults out of the way, yes I am a "godless filthy, good for nothing noguns yurapeean" I do however, like milsurp.
Gas masks, moldy old tents from the late 80's. You get it. But. Mostly camping gear as it would be stoopidly expensive to get into firearms for me right now...

last time I did a big order, I may have had a few too many. And also got this.

So the question is, what the hell do I do with it? If I use it as a tacklebox the normies will call the police.

I'm waffling, basically
>you have a ammo can
>but no gun
What do you do with it.