Welcome my lean and soon to be lean brothers to the Lean Pill General!
Intense gaze edition!
>What is the Lean Pill?The lean pill is accepting that as long as you are fat, it doesn't matter you can bench LMAOnly 4pl8s.
You have eaten the big "nutrition" lies. Time to wake up and be LEAN.
>What is /LEAN/ for?To share data, questions and anecdotal experience about how real the lean pill is, particularly if you were fat and lost the weight.
>Who is /LEAN/ for?Skinnyfats, hamplanets, powershitters with painful knees, normie mode, dad bods, skinny fags and skelly mode anons that want to ASCEND.
>Why do it?"Life ends and begins at 12%"
"There are male models of all races and sizes. Some models aren't tall, but they are ALL lean"
Regarding women the key it's not the muscles. it's being lean. Plus it's healthier. Not only hormonal (higher test), but your heart will struggle if you are overweight.
Build muscle but, most importantly, be LEAN.
>Advice:- Cico, low carb, keto, carnivore, intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.. Pick your battle, fight it and win.
- You need some muscle to be lean. Lift, eat at least 2g protein / kg goal weight, but avoid the carbs.
- Clean bulk is the ONLY bulk.
- Hiit exercises are good, anything sprint related: cycling, rooning, swimming, air bikes, rows
- Focus on the objective. Only one life anon. Do you want to live it without knowing what life is on an easier difficulty?
As always,
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