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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 5

No.48825152 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
post /fit/ feels
186 posts and 59 images omitted

Binaural Nutrition

No.75553248 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why are you not using the next generation of safe physical enhancement tools? Digital steroids via a mix of binaural, morphic, subliminal and energy manipulation.
>Search YouTube for Binaural Nutrition
>Wear stereo headphones
>Get jacked
You're welcome
58 posts and 13 images omitted

No.69167118 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
functional strength fags are so retarded
>climbing a rope is functional
>sprinting is functional
>squatting is functional
>pullups are functional
>jumping between tires is functional
you don’t do this shit in your daily lives. if you really want functional strength
>overhead press
>farmers carry
>bicep curls
>kroc row
>forearm work
is what you should be doing.
4 posts omitted

No.43226034 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>This guy actually unironically exists
>His whole fucking family is real life ubermensch
354 posts and 73 images omitted

Winning at arm wrestling.

No.75531407 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to beat my friends when we come home from college next summer.
I'm weak right now. Should I just do a bunch of heavy bicep curls? How do I train?
Is it realistic I can win by next June against guys way bigger than me if I try hard?

/fph/ - fat 'people' hate

!ALGP4ItMQo No.75490131 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
previous: >>75464929
323 posts and 113 images omitted

Fat cells can’t be destroyed

No.68265478 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>fat cells are static as the amount you had during your childhood
>they only expand or contract
Unironically over for fatties and skinny fats
129 posts and 20 images omitted

Is your dog jacked

No.75442012 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Or is is a greasy couch mut with hip problems?
My dog is bulking right now since her nails have to heal more. The vet called and said her distemper vaccination is due.
>idk what that is, I'll call back
Apparently distemper means "out of balance" and seems like a myriad of possible aliments. It's the same fucking pharmaceutical companies that make autism and clot shots. So it's funny they'd make a vac for dogs called the "out of balance vaccine." Animals are treated like people. Made sick, kept alive too long while sick, and cash farmed. I've had this dogo for a year now. Feel like I got lucky. She's a real dog, currently in heat. I want her to stay healthy, smart, and swole. I don't want to give her autism. What's/fit/'s thoughts? Is your dog jacked? What's their dog program like? What's their diet?
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/fps/ - fat people stories

No.67509383 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>living in college dorm
>in room with 1 other person
>fat smelly whale vegan soiboi
>self-absorbed selfish loser
>hides the fact he never showers with loads of deodarant
>leaves shit around the dorm all the time, i have to clean it up
>always fucking annoying me with his retarded stories when im working on school shit
>never, ever lets me in his room or see his room, dont know why
>fridge filled with his "food" and soda
>he buys fuck tons of food
>never actually uses any, goes to a nearby mcdonalds and starbucks instead
>luckily i never actually use the fridge because once i buy meat i cook it instantly
>THE day comes
>come home from gym
>fat whale browsing tiktok on couch, can visibly see the couch bend at the bottom from his pure mass
>"Anon, can you pretty please clean the fridge?? Im busy right now."
>he goes to his room
>fine, the fridge cant be that bad
>open fridge
>a stench of piss, shit, rotting shit and any other disgusting smell you can imagine comes out of the fridge, filling my nasal cavities
>get knockbacked from the fridge from the pure power of the stench
>"holy shit"
>close my nose and go back it
>fridge filled with half drank oat milk, soi milk and diet pepsi
>fucking soi nuggets on a plate, filled with dark green mold, can see mold literally spreading from the plate to other parts of the fridge like a virus
>throw all the oat milk bottles into trash bag
>the top of the fridge now cleared, the backside of the fridge filled with mold
>see ants fucking everywhere
>little weird green paste in a plastic container
>maggots moving around on the surface
>close the fridge as fast as i can
>angry as shit, storm to fatasses room
>open door, see him naked on his bed
>jerking off his micropenis, literally 3cm
>his groin area filled with brown shit, probably fungus from not showering for 3 months
>cant believe it
>look down to the ground
>beautiful carpet ruined by diet pepsi stains
>atleast 4 1liter piss bottles on the ground
45 posts and 5 images omitted

No.39838850 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> at least you're not a manlet
30 posts and 11 images omitted