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No.14704698 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Did dutch people sympathize more then other westerners with their boer bretheren during the apartheid era and the massive boycotts of south africa

No.17398842 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Nordlatinx sisters it's over. Not even Sicilians are that mutted. Some of them are super close to Thracian samples and Sicily was always inhabited by East Med-like people even before Magna Graecia.

>”Fascism Appeals to a Mythic Past That Never Existed”..

No.14848302 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Except you know,
In all the ways it emperically and quantifiably existed
As shown via the lower suicide rates
And the lower drug abuse rates
And the lower abortion rates
And the non-existence of mass shootings (DESPITE the COMPLETE lack of regulation in fire arms sales)
And the lower divorce rates
And the lower rates of teen depression
And the lower rates of obesity
And the higher average life span (DESPITE the mass co sumptuous of cigarettes of all classes and ages)
And the higher real wages
And the drastically relative lower costs of college
And the drastically relative lower costs of buying a first home
And the lack of riots “attempted insurrections” and paramilitaries openly clashing in the street, seizing/burning government buildings and shooting people in the street
But yeah no
All that shits fake it’s all
>”imagining a mythic past that never existed”
And your a Fascist if you disagree on this subject
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No.4117240 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m going to post this every day until you remember it
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No.17243850 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
That's how human history goes:
1. Pre-neolithic social structure was matriarchal and worshipped Mother Earth.
2. A series of great deluges in Eurasia made it impossible to sustain the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Symbolically, it enacted the great betrayal of humanity by the mother goddess.
3. As an act of desperation some humans started cultivating crops and taming wild animals. We call it today the neolithic revolution.
4. Ancient humans had to pay a steep price for the invention of agriculture: their lifespan, bone density and height decreased, their teeth became prone to decay and overall they became less healthy.
5. On the other hand, the neolithic revolution resulted in the birth of civilization. Society became patriarchal; in IE mythology we see a transition away the archetypal of the mother goddess towards to a skyfather. The mother goddess came increasingly to be erased from many spiritual traditions around the world. Roughly speaking, the nurturing "Gaia" became the unpredictable and uncontrollable demon "Lilith" ( I'm mixing deities from different cultures but you got my point).

That's how I see why civilizations are patriarchal because civilizations are anti-primordial.
Only men can sustain civilization. "The future is female" is a meme.
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What ethnicity/race are the French?

No.10372366 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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French Ethnicity

No.15395362 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What is the racial make up of native (white) French people?
Latin? Celtic? German?
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Unironically how to Persians cope about their long history subjugation?

No.6356847 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I mean not only was their own unique culture and traditions destroyed and replaced quite honestly bland islamic culture but their national identity itself seems quite shakey.

They were completely subjugated for hundreds of years with a very brief period of resurgence. I am surprised that they aren't crushed by the weight inferiority complex wrt Arabs.

I mean Perisa wasn't only civ to be humiliated by another for example India, Russia and china all had periods of subjugation but they more or less retained their culture and had that moment where they finally started giving their oppressors their just desserts.

Was there ever a time in history where Christians and Muslims got along?

No.16946002 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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How come Native Americans speak fluent English but Arabs resisted the English language?

No.17239475 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Both groups were colonized and oppressed by the West but only Arabs resisted the domination of the English language. You go to any city in the Arab world and not a single person speaks English. Expats have to do all the translating. I just saw a clip on the news talking about the voting situation in Apache County and everyone was speaking English fluently. Arabs have held firm to the Arabic language for centuries and Muslims from all over the world come to learn it. Nobody cares about English at all in the Arab world or even the Muslim world. Arabic is the key language that everyone thirsts for.
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