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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 14

No.13271280 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why are they like this?
96 posts and 32 images omitted

No.13326484 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What was Japan’s role in the Vietnam War?
175 posts and 81 images omitted

No.13995902 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why do mongols get a free pass for all the atrocities they caused?
329 posts and 181 images omitted

No.14009627 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
islam is way too arab
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Relations between Vietnamese women and foreign white European men and Chinese men in Le dynasty

No.14629472 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Vietnam was in a civil war in the 17th century between the Trinh lords based in Tonkin in north Vietnam at Hanoi and the Nguyen lords in central and south Vietnam.

The Nguyen lords allied with the Portuguese and the Trinh lords allied with the Dutch.

The Dutch captured Vietnamese slaves from fighting the Nguyen lords (calling them Quinamese after Quang Nam aka Quinam).

The Trinh lords in Tonkin, north Vietnam allowed foreign Dutch men and English men to have rampant sexual relations with north Vietnamese women in cities like Hanoi and Haiphong (Doméa).
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No.6815112 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is psychology a valid scientific field of study?
8 posts omitted

No.6681324 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do we like to do bad and it's so hard for us to become wise and elevate ourselves?

>I would like to ask the bad men that we pray for them to be good, and then they appeal our advice for the flesh, claiming to be weak, how to invent evils they have judgement, to put them to work they have strengths and to persevere in them they never lack constancy. This causes that in the vices and miseries we call ourselves natural for committing, and in the virtues and feats we call ourselves strange and weak to act. No one dare to insult the nature saying that is skinny, nor lift up the gods because they are cruel, because no less ability we have for the good than for the bad. Do not say "I want and I can not get away from vice", better say "I can and I do not want to follow virtue". I do not want to infamy strange kingdoms, but to speak about the latins, and for them you will see who they were in the evils and what they could be in the goods.

>I ask Marco Antonio's expenses with Cleopatra, Sylla's proscription of the nobles of Rome, the conjuration that Catilina invented against his homeland, the blood shed for Pompey's cause in the fields of Pharsalia, the theft of the treasury by Julius Caesar, the cruelties used by Nero the cruel one with his mother, the strupos that Caligula committed with his sisters, the betrayal that Brutus made against his father Gayo, the lightness and cruelties of Domitian with the vestal virgins... I would like to know these ones that I tell here and many others that I have left, the strengths and tricks they used in so many evils, who took them away from them if they wanted in other goods.
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No.6677929 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>China has over 5000 years of civilisation
Where did this meme come from? AFAIK Chinese civilisation started 3600 years ago with the Shang or 4000 years ago with the supposed Xia.
Reminder that Ur and Harappa were dead long before the Shang even started
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Why are there historically so many mixed race ethncities in Malaysia and SEA?

No.6662513 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Indo people in SE Asia who descend from Dutch/Portuguese Christian men and SE Asian women

>Kristangs who descend from Portuguese Christian men and Malay women

>Chitty who descend from Indian Tamil Hindu men and Malay women

>Peranakan Baba Nyonya who descend from Chinese men and Malay women
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Hashemite Sayyid genetic test

No.6640784 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The following historical dynasties and people all claim to be paternally descended from Ali ibn Abu Talib (Muhammad's cousin) and should have the same Y DNA.

The Hashemite royals of Hejaz (and Jordan and Iraq)

The Senussi royals of Libya (and other Idrisids in Morocco)

The Alaouite royals of Morocco

The Rassid royals of North Yemen (and Houthis)

Al-Mahdi family of Sudan (Alexander Siddig and his uncle Sadiq al-Mahdi)

The Aga Khan of Nizari Ismailis.

All black turbaned 12er Shiite clerics like Ayatollah Khameini and Ayatollah Sistani and Sayyid Nasrallah and Misa al-Sadr and Muqtada al-Sadr.

The Safavids.

The Ba 'Alawi Sadah of Hadramaut.

Dors anyone have Y DNA results on these families and people? I think I saw Jordanian Hashemite and Libyan Senussi Y haplogroups somewhere and they DID NOT match each other meaning one of them is fake.

The political and religious legitimacy of all of them rely on their ancestry.
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