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Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
>eternal hell >original sin >temporal fall >filioque >nonexistence of past and future >limbo >baby hell >created grace >divine command theory >willfull erection control >predestination >total depravity >actus purus >just war theory >ineradicable priesthood >marital concupiscence >libertarian free will If you're ever feeling down just know he's responsible for every trash idea in western thought but was still able to be a saint and beloved intellectual
Was the CFA franc really some 4d chess move by evil whitey to oppress africans, or was it a benevolent gift? My guess is it's the latter considering how easily african countries can opt out of it
Vargniggers: >le bog xDDD throw le homosexuals in le swamp xDD Also >Nordic mythology is full of faggotry, crossdressing and even transgenderism
>Odin dressed as a female healer as part of his efforts to seduce Rindr. >Georges Dumézil suggested that Freyr, a Norse god of fertility, may have been worshiped by a group of homosexual or effeminate priests, as suggested by Saxo Grammaticus in his Gesta Danorum. >Norwegian archaeologist Brit Solli suggests that Odin may have been connected to a shamanistic cult that viewed gender transgression as a source of power. >Some Old Norse deities are attested as changing their shape at will, turning into animals or otherwise disguising themselves. For example, the god Loki is attested as disguising himself as a woman. In Gylfaginning, he transforms himself into a mare and, after being chased all night by a stallion Svaðilfari, he gives birth to Sleipnir, an eight-legged foal.
Niggers coaly tho, cobson got the gemmy tho Got the 'jakky, tho janny is a tranny, tho (Cob Gang!)
Quote these chuddys like a script-y nigga, you a onions-y nigga On the 'rty with them Norway niggas, and them SwedeWIN niggas You run up and they raiding niggas, we ain't jannies nigga No soot, you a loser nigga, up that rangeban nigga
On the four, trannies posting coal, I'm raiding them some more He wanna be a woman -ACK!, rope caught him just before the floor Man it's sad, I caught a perma, the jannies know the score They be spending 15 years on the tranime incel board
In the kway my niggas be posting gems, my niggas 'cobsons bop Catch a ban posting troons, janny working round the clock Post some gemmys to the booru, I grinded for my spot Chuds talking 'bout them jaks but my gems be worth a lot
I don't fuck with no NAS coal, only gems, tho Spam the nucob in the catalog, let the janny clean it up I don't save it that's a coal jak, thats a dust jak I'ma post it then delete it, keep the gem jak
I'm on some raid a tranny's shit, take a janny's bitch On the board in the whip, making jaks in the whip I post up with a cob, I let that shit hit Shout out, but I made the janny quit
Niggers coaly tho cobson got the gemmy tho Got the 'jakky, tho janny is a tranny, tho All my cobs, booru's got fifty tho Call it coal, pew pew pew, you silly tho
Post a thread, chuds mad, replies a hunnid Page 40, grab a Cob and then I bump it Quote me, im quoting back, my folder, dump it I aint wanna coal this thread, but nigga fuck it
I'm on some raid a tranny's shit, take a janny's bitch On the board in the whip, making jaks in the whip I post up with a cob, I let that shit hit Shout out, but I made the janny quit
I'm on some raid a tranny's shit, take a janny's bitch On the board in the whip, making jaks in the whip I post up with a cob, I let that shit hit Shout out, but I made the janny quit
Where can I find a 6.5/10 qt3.14 hipster bpd Christian gf? Pic related. I guess the new thing is for hipster/artsy girls to be evangelical types. I hate evangelicals, but I wouldn’t mind a submissive evangelical gf.