>>13476584>One need only look at Mengjiang as an example;Seriously? How does that make up for the shit they did in China, Korea, and Philippines?
>a key tenant of Indonesian national identity is anti-colonialismSo what? Many post-colonial identities were originally based on anti-colonialism too.
>yet they were among the most aggressive expansionist colonialist nations of Southeast Asia.How were they any more aggressive or expansionist than other nations like China, India, or more importantly, Japan? States like Majapahit weren't the aggresive expansionist empire like the Mongols were.
>Did you even know anything about the Balinese forced famine against the Sasak of Lombok before I brought it up?And did you forget about the fact that literally every country has committed atrocities including your precious Japanese?
>'Indonesia' was not a nation but various tribes and fiefdoms at this point, Not quite. While "Indonesia" is a modern concept. there were already major states that encompassed modern day Indonesia's borders.
>most of which were at violent war with each other.Like the rest of the fucking world. Once again, Japan was no exception to this.
>In the 16th century the Aceh Sultanate was conquering Sumatra, Pajang was at war with Mataram, etc.See above. Not comparable to the Mongols or Japanese empires. To even compare Indonesian conquests with those actual brutal ones outs you as a biased faggot.