Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Do the antiwoke crowd constantly complain about female protagonists in vidya having certain facial features that are relatively common in adult women like high cheekbones or pointy jawline and consider neotenous(childlike) physical features as the gold standard?
Now I do nothing in life but fulfill my obligations in order to avoid the suffering I'll be forced to endure if I don't get them done. I don't have positive reasons for living anymore, all I do with the free time I gain from my work is stare at the ceiling, everytime I try forcing myself to do anything I feel either sad, angry or bored, and since I usually try cutting off my sadness and anger as fast as possible, because they hurt too much, I'm usually left with boredom.
I have a lot of free time now, and I feel a sort of emptiness that almost makes me feel physically ill for some reason, my disinterest in everything I do, and everything I don't do, is eating me up. I used to have a problem where the idea of doing things was much better than actually doing them to me, but now even the idea is dull. I don't see the appeal in anything anymore, even what I used to like, I just feel disconnected from everything around me.
I'll probably take my own life in a matter of weeks.
>can no longer watch movies or tv shows with love interests in them cause it hurts too much >avoid music that talks about love and sex for the same reason how are you supposed to live in this world if you havent experienced something most have? everything is about love. I feel like an npc just observing the world but never interacting with it. rope is calling my name desu
Anybody else waiting until their parents die to kill themselves? I've accepted that I was born to be alone, might just disappear into a forest and die in 2 weeks from starvation or something and leave a note saying I left for Europe.
I've accepted I was born to be alone. Every time I reply to threads I make, I can see people get bored of my quickly. I add someone on discord? Ghosted in a week. IRL is just me doing shit I'm yelling at myself not to do and ending up looking retarded. Thought about leaving some suicide journal but realized I'm #100000 suicidal faggot who thinks hes some philosopher after barely living a life. I think self awareness and too much thinking is really fucking me. At least let me die thinking I'll be some great something. Being an average IQ fag with "self awareness" sucks ass. Can't even be delusional when I die and be happy when it happens. Well to the 1 anon who maybe cares enough to read my biweekly random 4chan journal entry because I'm also too scared to keep any journal in fear of being found out. I hope you're able to get off this dead end website.
I used to think that body pillows were nothing but an inside joke of a community. Now that i own one for about a year i can say it's the only thing that kept me sane with the severe isolation i have to deal woth beacuse of our country's shitty handling of the pandemic..
ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.
Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, haddenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging et al. belong in >>>/trash/happenings+thread
>if you can't be self-confident, then just imagine the person you're speaking to as even more of a failure than you think you are ever since I've started using Misaki's toxic advice my life has become better. someone explain that to me please.